Hello I'm

Eloi Fàbrega


I am a versatile coder and maker with a passion for bringing ideas to life

Full Stack

Find the easiest way to get information to the world

Micro Controllers

When coding gets tangible,
bring things to life

3D Printing

The fastest way to bring your craziest ideas into reallity


Some of my projects I've done over the time.
If you want to know more, we can always go for a coffe



And lots of other games


Arduino keyboard

It coded itself!!


My linux setup

Transform ubuntu to a power distro


Arduino Clock

It has games and more!


3D printing

Self-replicate is scary



Website Design


I find that everything in the natural world just makes sense. It's all so intuitive and right. My dream as a developer is to bring that same sense of order and natural flow to the digital world. To create experiences that are not only functional, but also feel effortless and intuitive, just like nature itself. To bridge the gap between the physical and digital, and create a harmonious balance between the two. That is what drives me as a developer.

I have an unconformist approach to life and believe in creating things my own way. When something doesn't meet my standards, I study how it was built to start from scratch so that I have control over the process and can create something meaningful. My goal is always to keep pushing forward and making progress, even if that means making mistakes along the way.

I love doing things that I don't know much about. It's always new and exciting. I look for projects where I can learn and grow, even if that means I might fail. Failure is just a temporary part of the process towards success, and I am comfortable with it. Making things and solving problems go hand in hand, and it's what makes a project interesting.

Get in touch

I would be very pleased to recive an email from you :)